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Standalone MATLAB in OS X

As of Version 7.1 the process for getting a standalone license (which does not require the EPFL network license server) has changed. This installation process for R14S3 (7.1) is as follows:

Install the Network License Version

Install the standard network version. The installation package is available on the Cyclope apple file server: afp://

Obtain A Standalone License File

As of version 7.1, EPFL has a TAH (Total Academic Head Count) license from MathWorks, you can get your own license.dat. Choose the link that corresponds to the version of MATLAB you have installed (requires GASPAR authentication):

Place the Licence in your Matlab Directory

First, save your original, network based, license file. Rename /Applications/MATLAB71/etc/license.dat to license_network_bak.dat.

Then place the licence.dat you obtained from the obove webpage into this etc directory.

Launch the Matlab Application

There is no need for the Launch_LM local license server launcher as for previous standalone versions.

osxmatlabsa.1202825011.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/02/12 14:03 by kleiner