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Presentation Laptop

A computer ready for your presentation

Usually the laptop is installed in Room INR 113, but can be moved if needed.

The laptop is an “old” Apple PowerBookPro 12“, that use Apple Os X 10.4.x configured with the software needed for managing standard presentations files. The Preferred format is obviously the Pdf (simple to manage and to show), but the laptop can manage also files compiled with different languages.
To simplify the work for the presenter, we installed:

Application Purpouse
Acrobat Reader 8.x To show Pdf files
Gv To show PostScript files
TexShop To generate Pdf file from LaTeX source
ps2pdf To generate Pdf files from PostScript source
VLC To show Videos of different formats
iTunes for .mp3 audio files (music and podcast)
MS Office Suite 2004 For .doc, .ppt, .xls files

<note> With the laptop come also a remote radio device (ask for it to the Sysadmin), for controlling the presentation at distance. The radio device is very simple to use: it has 2 button for moving forward/backward the slides and provide also a red laser pointer.
This pointer must return to the Sys Admin </note>


To access the system, click on the “Other…” Icon from the Login menu and insert your linux login/password. Every user that has a Linux accreditation in our network can use the laptop. The first time you login the system take a little while, just wait. This authentication system work only when the laptop is connected to the local network. If you need to move the laptop to another Room, please use the general ipg account to access the computer.


The laptop is ready for use the Epson Projector attached to the roof of the room. When you first login on the system, the projector is configured as an extension to the monitor of the laptop. Use the System Preferences Applet if you want to change the disposition of the monitor. We suggest that you configure the two monitors in mirror mode.

File Upload

In order to upload your presentation files to the laptop, you can use several different methods

Network connection (Wired / Wireless)

On the Desktop of the laptop you will find the “homedir server” icon. Double click this icon and insert your login/password in the authentication window (click on Connect afterwards), then select your homedir (your login name) from the list of remote disks. If everything work correctly you can browse your homedir. Copy your presentation file on the local disk and close the connection.

Usb drive key

If you don't have your personal key, we can provide one for you. At the moment the capacity of our keys is 512 Mbytes or 2 Gbytes.

FireWire / Usb external drive

If your presentation is really big, you can connect your external disk directly to the laptop using one of these 2 interfaces.

Optical Disk - Cd-Rom or Dvd-Rom

Of course you can also burn a Cd-Rom or a Dvd-Rom and use this for your presentation, but we don't suggest this, as the high speed of rotation of the disk will generate some noise. Better to copy all the content to the local disk of the laptop and start the presentation from there.

Web Browsing

You can surf the net using a wired or wireless connection. In order to use the last you need an account for the EPFL Wireless Network.

presentation/laptop.1238682979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/02 16:36 by damir