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Presentation Laptop

A computer ready for your presentation

We have a laptop computer that can be used for your presentation. The laptop can manage also files compiled with different languages.
To simplify the work for the presenter, he/she can use:

Application Purpouse
Acrobat Reader To present PDF files
TeX Live / TexShop To generate Pdf file from LaTeX source
VLC To show Videos of different formats
MS Office Suite For .doc, .ppt, .xls files
Apple Keynote For Presentations
Microsoft Skype / Cisco Jabber / Zoom / Slack / Telegram For video calls

<note> if you need a remote presenter, please ask for it to your sys admin
This pointer must return to the LAB </note>

presentation/laptop.1659685007.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/08/05 09:36 by admin