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HowTo print

Apple Os X

Apple Os X users rely on the advanced graphical interface of their computers, to access the printers. In reality this is just a frontend for the same CUPS subsystem that we use with Linux. As for the Linux workstations, Os X users connected to the network by wire can browse the list of printers available without intervention. By selecting the printer from the menu Shared printers in the print dialog box this will be installed automatically. The options for printing can be selected in the different section of the print dialog box. click on pages & copies to see all the sections at your disposal. As Os X is developed over the FreeBSD subsystem, all the options you can use for linux (Basic and Advanced Printing Command) can be used even in this ambient, from a command line, without modifications.

<note tip>

  • Users of laptops connected to the wireless network please refer to instructions to install the printers.



<note warning> To access Shared printers Windows Users have to ask the permission to Administrators. </note>

In Windows, most programs will let you print from the File menu. Go to Start→Control Panel→Printers & Faxes to see the printers available. Machines managed by staff will have all network printers automatically added to this list. Users that have Windows laptops connected to the network by wire should go to Start→Run and enter “\\” (without quotes), right click on the printer they want to use, and select connect. This will add that printer to the Printers & Faxes List.

<note tip>

  • To set the default printer in Windows, right click on the printer in the Printers & Faxes list, and select “Select as Default Printer.”
  • Users of laptops connected to the wireless network please refer to instructions to install the printers.


Linux Workstations

To use one or more of the printers, users of linux workstations of the labs needs only to select it from the printer dialog box of the graphical applications they're using. The subsystem that manage the print of documents (CUPS for friends) understands a variety of formats including text, PostScript, and PDF. It's possible to print directly from command line using the lpr or lp commands. Here you will find a short memo about the most useful parameters for these commands. Go there if you want see a list of the advanced options.

<note> GTKLP
The use of this program is preferable when you don't want to use the standard options of printer queues. To use this program just launch it from the menu Applications→System Tools→GtkLP, load the file you want print and select the option you desire. </note>

<note tip>

  • Users of laptops connected to the wired network have to start the cups daemon in order to see the shared printers.
  • Users of laptops connected to the wireless network please refer to instructions to install the printers.


printing/howto.1273137089.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/06 09:11 by damir