===== Torque/Maui ===== ==== server ==== Both the pbs server and maui scheduler are installed on iscsrv27.epfl.ch (pbs.lost). === torque === Torque is installed from rpm: $ yum install torque-docs torque-mom torque-server libtorque-devel $ echo "pbs" > /var/torque/server_name $ /etc/init.d/pbs_server start $ qmgr -c 'create queue batch' $ qmgr -c 'set queue batch queue_type = Execution' $ qmgr -c 'set queue batch started = True' $ qmgr -c 'set queue batch enabled = True' $ qmgr -c 'set server default_queue = batch' $ qmgr -c 'set server resources_default.nodes = 1' $ qmgr -c 'set server scheduling = True' === maui === Maui is installed from source with the following commands: ./configure --with-pbs=/usr --prefix=/usr/local make make install The default configuration file is fine except the following lines: SERVERHOST iscsrv27.epfl.ch RMTYPE[0] PBS RMHOST[0] iscsrv27.epfl.ch RMPOST[0] 15001 #RMCFG[LICOSSRV4.EPFL.CH] TYPE=PBS@RMNMHOST@ Note that the last line is commented! ==== clients ( >= fc5 )==== * add the node to the node list in the server (iscsrv27): $echo "nodename np=NCPUS property property ..." >> /var/torque/server_priv/nodes where //nodename// is the hostname (without the domain name), and //property// can be any word like "matlab", "bit64", "superfast" that indicates a property of the compute node that can be requested by the user from the submitting client as in ''qsub -l nodes=1:superfast'' or from a script. * install the pbs_mom on the client $ yum install torque-mom $ yum install torque-client $ echo "pbs" > /var/torque/server_name $ echo "$pbsserver pbs" > /var/torque/mom_priv/config $ /etc/init.d/pbs_mom start