====== TexShop and System Variables ====== In order to use the system environment variables from Graphics Program as TexShop, user needs to create an **environment.plist** file inside the ~/.MacOSX (case is important) directory. This file need to be in the **xml** format recognized by the Os X application: TEXINPUTS .//: In this example we define just the TEXINPUTS variable. If you want to define others variables, please use the format as in the example. \\ To verify that the file is correct, use the **Property List Editor**. You can launch it from a terminal by using the command open .MacOSX/environment.plist If the program open the file, the file is OK, else you have a problem. In this case, I suggest to download this {{environ-plist.tgz|archive}} and explode it in ~ (homedir). This file is read by the system only at the login, so after the file is in place and correctly working, logoff and logon.