Instal Faculty printers on Linux

<note> These printers are installed on the workstation only on requests as they cannot be managed centrally from our prin servers . </note>

The faculty printers that you can find on the North and South sections of the BC building on the 1st floor and on the East entry of the IN.R Building on the ground Floor, must be accessed with your Gaspar account identification or the Camipro Card.
If you're going to use it from your linux wokstation you must verify that the printer is actually installed/accessible from the workstation and, if it doesn't appears in the printers list it means that is not installed and you can request to have it installed to your Sys Admin.
once you find the printer and you try to print something you'll receive a request of authentication, the EPFL Print server is asking your login/password for authorizing the use of the printer (they want to know where to send the bill :) ).

you must insert those data with this format:

Username: INTRANET\<Gaspar username>
Password: <Gaspar Password>

If the data you use are valid and active, your document will be sent to the printer you chose.

Install the printer on linux

  1. install samba
    • yum -y install samba-client
  2. download and install the ppd file
    • download the file ppd
    • copy it on /usr/share/cups/model/ (there's no need to explode it)
  3. install the printer with the right ppd (INR-2 on IN.R building)
    • lpadmin -p INR-2 -E -v smb:/ / -P /usr/share/cups/model/xr_WorkCentre7655R.ppd.gz
  4. set the authentication request
    • lpadmin -p INR-2 -o auth-info=username,password
  5. set the printer options
    • lpoptions -p INR-2 -o printer-is-shared=false
    • lpoptions -p INR-2 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge

<note> the use of the printer without Authentication is Forbidden (it doesn't work at all, the document will be blocked by the queue manager). </note>

here is the ppd file, it must be copied in /usr/share/cups/model/ before installing the printer with the above command.
The address for the printers are :