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Backup made easy

Every user can find inside his/hers homedir on the central filer an hidden directory named .snapshot. Inside this directory exists others directories that have name

  • hourly.[0-3]
  • nightly.[0-3]
  • weekly.[0-1]

As the name suggest, these directory contain the files changed during the lasts 4 hours, 4 days and 2 weeks (the 0 is something). If the wanted file was deleted/changed during this time, the user have to search tese directories, in order to find it.

<note> Pay attention that inside the .snapshot directories a user can see the state of his/hers directory how it was at the time of snaphot, so looking inside one of these directory see not only the files changed, but all the files you have currently. Amazing, isn'it? If the file is found, the users can copy it where it want and the restore is done. </note>

backup/snapshot.1172763233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/03/01 16:33 by damir