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Information Processing Group

Welcome to the User Guide of the IPG network. Here you'll find the start point for some hints about the configuration, the services, the use, the possibilities that our network offer.

no Static Information

As all web contents, these pages are subject to change (not every day, I hope), check it if you look for some information on services available. If you have a problem, before ask to the System Administrator for a solution, check the quick start and the faq sections, maybe your answer is already there.

Use of our network

We are trying to maintain the use of the network and his services the most simple possible from the user point of view (so the System Administrators can sleep more in the morning). To reach this result, we use mostly open source software and open source platforms because they have the widest possibility of combination and are free. Where this is impossible, due to proprietary code, we try to integrate these solutions and hide the details so the users don't have to worry about using different interfaces.


Open Source Platform in our case means Linux and all the software that can run on this platform. The preferred distribution is Fedora built mainly by RedHat, but we have also some workstation and Server running Debian.

  • The server configurations are completely transparent from the point of view of the users. We have a lot of different servers, all running Linux that share services and resurces to all users, no matter what is the operating system they use.
  • On the linux workstations you can find a lot of software already installed, for productivity, but also for leisure. Due to different necessity can happens that not everyone is happy with our base configuration. In this case we invite the users to ask for the change they need. If applicable, the change made for the single workstation will be transmitted to all the others, so everyone can find the same software configuration on all the workstations.

Different World

We know that not all user of computer use Linux (why ?), so we always look for solutions that can be used to integrate this operating system with others. Normally users of computer choose his/hers Operating System among Linux, Apple Os X or MS Windows so we are focused mainly on the integration of these Operating Systems. The configuration of our network already use different solutions to permit access to file servers, printers, and other resources to all these Operating Systems, for the most part without or with just a little effort from the users.

Different Networks

Only few years ago, the word network meant cables, a lot of cables. Today we live in the wireless revolution: some laptops, some antennas and 1 cable (if necessary) and the network is ready. It's so simple? no, but don't worry, the new kind of problem generated by the wireless revolution are managed at best. The solutions implemented in our configurations permit to users of wireless laptops to access the resouces of our network (based mainly on wired connections) with little effort. Most of the time the user can access the files server and the networks printer directly, without change on the configuration of his/hers laptops.

<note tip> As all the wikis, you can partecipate to the compilation of this guide. just ask for a login and you can start to insert your ideas/tips/tricks and solution to common/not common problems. </note>

System Administrator Contact Information
  • E-mail: damir(dot)laurenzi(at)epfl(dot)ch
  • Phone: +41 21 693 7667
  • Location: IN.R 135
introduction.1174315295.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/03/19 15:41 by damir