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Configuring EPFL VPN for the OS X VPN Client

Information on how to configure the OS X VPN client for EPFL can be found on the following page:

However, this method will not put an entry for the domain in your /etc/resolv.conf file; this means that you will not be able to use “short” names for domains within EPFL, but have to use fully qualified domain names. As an example,

ping www

will not work; you have to type


To remedy this situation, you have to add to the list of domains to be searched. To this end, open the Network preference pane and switch to the VPN (PPTP) view. Under Search domains, enter as shown on the following picture:

osxepflvpn.1202824759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/02/12 14:59 by kleiner