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Traveling users

You're going to ...

If you need to go on a conference to assist or to give a presentation of your work, The I.P.G. Lab put at your disposition a laptop that you can carry and use for your daily work. We have a limited number of laptop available for this task and the rule to assign them is: the first that ask win. The laptop, hopefully still working, must be returned to the System Administrators when you come back.

<note> If for some strange and inexplicable reason you crashed/loosed the laptop, please don't be afraid and inform the System Administrator as soon as possible, so we can start the insurance procedure.
inexplicable reason include also: alien attacks, flooding in mountain, flying sheeps (or any others things that don't have wings), kids (only if under 5 years), parents (only if over 70 years), … </note>

If you're traveling outside Switzerland we can also provide electrical adapters for different countries (Australia, U.S.A., Germany, U.K., France, Italy, ecc.).

You're coming from ...

presentation/foreign.1205500804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/03/14 14:20 by damir