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Presentation Laptop

A computer ready for your presentation

We have a laptop computer that can be used for your presentation. The laptop can manage also files compiled with different languages.
To simplify the work for the presenter, he/she can use:

Application Purpouse
Acrobat Reader To show Pdf files
Gv To show PostScript files
TexShop To generate Pdf file from LaTeX source
ps2pdf To generate Pdf files from PostScript source
VLC To show Videos of different formats
iTunes for .mp3 audio files (music and podcast)
MS Office Suite 2011 For .doc, .ppt, .xls files

<note> With the laptop come also a remote presenter to flip the pages and act as laser pointer.
This pointer must return to the Sys Admin </note>

presentation/laptop.1435757089.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/12/21 15:34 (external edit)