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Activate the Finder Application and select 'Go/Connect to Server' from the menu or type Command-K. The following window will be opened. Type in the address of the windows server prepending to it the string smb:: in the example below this is

Finder Connect-to-server Dialog

On the dialog window that will appear please enter your login credentials. In the case of or other server at EPFL, the username will be IC\your_gaspar_username, and the password will be your gaspar password.

Finder: remote share credentials


Fedora / Gnome

Select 'Places/Connect To Server' from the menu on the top of the screen.

gnome connect to server menu

Select Window Share as Service Type and enter the address of the server ( in the example below. Press the Connect button when you're done and enter the domain name for your account (IC in the example below), and your password (gaspar password in the example) in the next dialog box.

gnome remote mount parameters gnome remote mount credential

Note that the Share field must also be entered. The list of available shares can be obtained using the smbclient command:

[cangiani@iscpc42 ~]$ smbclient -L -U 'IC\cangiani'
Enter IC\cangiani's password: 
Domain=[INTRANET] OS=[EMC-SNAS:T5.5.34.2] Server=[NT1]

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	CDROMS          Disk      
	CDROMS2         Disk      
	NTLINE2         Disk      
	OLYMPE          Disk      
	BACKUP$         Disk      
	DISTRIBUTION    Disk      
	SPECIAL$        Disk      
	C$              Disk      Root Service
	IPC$            IPC       IPC Service
session request to OLYMPE.EPFL.CH failed (Called name not present)
Domain=[INTRANET] OS=[EMC-SNAS:T5.5.34.2] Server=[NT1]

	Server               Comment
	---------            -------

	Workgroup            Master
	---------            -------
[cangiani@iscpc42 ~]$ 

Fedora / KDE4

Open a window of the file browser (dolphin) and select the Network tab on the left column. Then click on the Samba Share icon.

KDE dolphin main window with Network tab selected

If the server you want to connect to is not listed on the big box, then enter its address in the text field with smb label.

KDE dolphin samba share window

You will get the list of available samba shares. Click on the one you want to mount and type your credentials on the dialog window that is opened (DOMAIN\username and password).

smbmount.1237457045.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/19 11:04 by cangiani