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ssh without password

You can connect to the servers using the SSH protocol witout the need to insert the password every time you connect. The trick is to generate a encripted key that can be used by the systems to recognize yourself and allow your access to local resources. This behaviour can be used when you are using the Servers from the Epfl Network, but also when you connect to the server from outside the Epfl.

ssh without password from local workstation

  • Login in your workstation and open a Terminal Windows (if you are using the Graphical interface)
  • Execute this command
$ sshkeygen -t dsa
  • When the system ask a name for the file id_dsa just press enter
  • Do the same for the file
  • cd in your .ssh directory with
$ cd ~/.ssh
  • Execute this command
$ cat >> autorhized_keys

From now, every time you connet to a server, the server will recognize your workstation automatically (it read the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file everytime you connect) and you can login without bothering with the password.

ssh without password from local workstation

sshkey.1170162787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/01/30 14:13 by damir