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How To write your DVD or CD

<note warning> The copy of protected sofware is strictly brohibited. No one is allowed to use the DVD writer to make copies of software or other digital files that are subject to protection laws. The Writer has to be used only in case of backups for personal data. </note>

In the Lab IN.R.011 is present the workstation at disposition of all users. This workstation has a scanner and a DVD-RW device, and can be used for scanning documents and to write DVD-RW or CD-RW. The users can write a DVD or a CD directly using the graphical tool of the Desktop or copying an ISO image directly to the Writer. The supports (the CD or DVD) must be provided by the user itself.

Write DVD/CD from Desktop

Generate and write the iso image

To generate a copy of your files on a CD-R ot on a DVD-R, login in the machine and click on the Computer icon in order to open it. From the menu Places of this window select CD/DVD creator. In order to create the copy of your files move/copy all the files you want in this windows and click on the button Write to Disc. Remember to put a writable DVD/CD inside the writer and also that you can't write more than 4.2 Gbytes on a single DVD (for CD the limit is 700 Mbytes).

Existing ISO image

In this case, just browse in the directory where the ISO image you want burn is located, select it and press the right button of the mouse. In the menu list you can find the voice Write do disc…. Click on this voice and the process of writing start.

Write DVD/CD from Terminal

Write DVD

To write a DVD you can use the growisofs utility. This program can generate the ISO image and write the DVD on the fly. You can use it also to write an ISO image directly.

Write CD

To write a CD you must use the mkisofs and cdrecord utilities. The mkisofs program is used to generate the ISO image of the CD and the cdrecord program is used to write the ISO image on the CD. Of course you can create the iso image without burn it. The cdrecord program has a lot of options, use the online manual to explore all the possibilties.

writers.1184403970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/07/14 11:06 by damir